A link to Elkhorn Valley School Board Meeting agendas can be found on the District website's "School Board" page. Follow this link: https://www.elkhornvalleyschools.org/o/evs/page/school-board--534
about 4 years ago, Darin Hahne
All remaining NSAA activity practices and competitions, including district and state competitions, have been cancelled for this school year. These cancelations are part of a new Directed Health Measure issued by Governor Ricketts. Bylaw 3.2.7 (Summer Activities) will go into effect on May 26th. In the interim, Bylaw (School-Year, Out-of-Season) is expected to be followed by all member school athletic programs. The NSAA continues to encourage all member schools to follow CDC, local, state and federal health department recommendations. The May 1st Transfer List deadline remains unchanged. Any further official updates will be posted on the NSAA website and the NSAA social media platforms: NSAA Facebook, NSAA Twitter (@nsaahome)
about 4 years ago, Curt Qualset
Elkhorn Valley Schools will have packet pick up Thursday, April 2 from 8:30 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Packets will be located in the commons and organized by elementary classroom or secondary grade level. ONLY ONE ADULT PER FAMILY WILL BE ALLOWED INTO THE DESIGNATED AREA THROUGH THE MAIN WEST ENTRANCE TO PICK UP PACKETS/BOOKS. There will be a hand sanitizer station available before entering the building. We ask that you respect the Directed Health Management order and pick up your student(s) packets and exit the school. Shop projects need to be picked up at the high school south entrance (door #20). Pick up time for shop projects is 8:30 – 4:00. Please call the office (368-5301) prior to pick up so someone can meet you at door #20. Band instruments can be picked up using the 1987 entrance (door #2) from 8:30-4:00. Mrs. Gale will meet you at this door
about 4 years ago, Brandon Black
Beginning April 6, teachers will be providing new content instruction to students. The elementary teachers are working very hard to design activities and lessons that are meaningful and doable during this time of closure. Teachers will be flexible and understanding as parents and students adjust to this new learning model. Completed assignments will be submitted in a variety of ways, depending on what the assignment entails. Teachers will provide direction on how to submit completed assignments when the assignment is given. This could include the completion of online tasks or posting a picture to the class See Saw page, among other ways. Teachers will keep a record of all assignments completed. Assignments will need to be returned in order to document the advancement of education during the COVID-19 closure at Elkhorn Valley. As we work through this alternative learning environment, it is important to not get caught up in “grades”. Our main focus is continued learning for ALL students. To accomplish this, assignments will be corrected by the teachers and feedback will be given in an effort to ensure learning and growth.
about 4 years ago, Brandon Black
Attention Parents: The Nebraska Department of Education Nutrition Services has opened up their Summer Lunch Program to all students free of charge. We would like to encourage more Elkhorn Valley students to take advantage of this program. Beginning on Monday, March 30, Elkhorn Valley Schools will be adding a breakfast meal in addition to the noon sack lunch program. The breakfast meal will be ready for pickup or delivery by 8:30 am each morning and the noon meal will continue to be available from 12:00 to 12:30 pm at the east door of the Commons. Just to repeat, this means that all students can receive breakfast and noon lunch free of charge. Meals will be delivered to our rural families. Students who have food allergies will need to make sure you inform the school of this. If you would like to begin receiving meals, please call the school at 402-368-5301 by noon on Thursday, March 26, or if you have any questions, please be sure to call.
about 4 years ago, Mary Dahl
Continuity of Learning We understand that there are questions regarding the "Normal Operations of School" since school has been suspended. Please be aware that the school year has not ended. We are developing a plan for remote learning to take place for the rest of the year.
about 4 years ago, Patty Novicki
Parents, in order to provide educational materials that you may use to assist your children during this time, we have added several links to the Elkhorn Valley Schools website. These websites are either free, or your student has a login that they have used with teachers while in school. You will find these resources by clicking on “Explore”. Then find the ‘Remote Learning Resources’ heading. This list will evolve as time goes on. Thank you for your patience during this time.
about 4 years ago, Brandon Black
School enrichment materials for ALL EV students should be picked from the School Commons on Thursday, March 19, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and again on Friday, March 20, from 8:00 to 12:00 noon. Both the east and the west doors to the Commons will be open. Laptops will be passed out to JH students and those students who did not sign up to take their computers during the school year. All students will need to clean out their personal lockers as well as their gym locker during this time. Teachers will not be in the building during this time but will be available through their school email. All parents will be contacted next week by their child’s teachers. Please be sure to check the NEW school website at elkhornvalleyschools.org to get the most recent updates.
about 4 years ago, Mary Dahl
Preschool Roundup and the Kindergarten Visit scheduled for Friday, March 20, has been rescheduled for Friday, May 1, at 9:00 am.
about 4 years ago, Mary Dahl
Effective Monday, March 16 all NSAA activity practices are suspended until Monday, March 30 and all NSAA activity competitions are suspended until Thursday, April 2. These suspensions may be extended should the conditions warrant. Member schools and student-participants are expected to adhere to the NSAA Constitution & Bylaws and activity manuals during this time. As more information becomes available, official updates will be posted on the NSAA website and the NSAA social media platforms.
about 4 years ago, Curt Qualset
Today is the first day of the 4th quarter of school. Third quarter report cards will be sent home later this week.
about 4 years ago, Mary Dahl
Just a reminder that JH students going out for track need to have their permission slips returned to one of the JH coaches by this Thursday. If students didn't get a form then they need see Mr. Qualset.
about 4 years ago, Mary Dahl
MAPS testing continues this week and testing will be over Science! It’s great to have good attendance during this testing period. Thanks for everyone’s cooperation.
about 4 years ago, Mary Dahl
Congratulations to the newest Independent Readers who had their Hall Walk this morning: Chaney Schwartz, Paisley Tegeler, Alyvia Baugher and Ryder Werner. Way to go 1st graders!!
about 4 years ago, Mary Dahl
*** ALUMNI WEEKEND UPDATE FOR MARCH 21 *** Alumni Volleyball and Basketball Tourney's next weekend on March 21st will be cancelled due the Corona-virus (COVID-19) precautions. With the safety of all those that would be involved, this was the best course of action.
about 4 years ago, Curt Qualset
REMINDER: Fleet Feet Sports Pop Up Shop @ EVS for track athletes today from 4:30 to 7:00.
about 4 years ago, Mary Dahl
Prom News: The table sign up sheet for Prom has been posted outside of Mrs. Amend’s room. Please sign up in a timely manner. Out of town date forms for Prom are available in the office for students to pick up. They are due back to school by March 25.
about 4 years ago, Mary Dahl
There will be a high school football meeting for grades 8-11 immediately after school in the library.
about 4 years ago, Mary Dahl
There will be college rep visiting from Northeast Community College during lunchtime today.
about 4 years ago, Mary Dahl
Hey Elementary Students: Check out the ice cream reading tracker in the library window! Each scoop of ice cream in the window represents 20 AR points. The reading goal for March is 3000 points. Keep reading so you can turn Mr. Black and Mrs. Novicki into human ice cream sundaes!
about 4 years ago, Mary Dahl