
1. Congratulations to Carter Werner and Aiden Wurdinger-Meyer on earning their Nebraska State FFA Degrees today. This is the highest degree an FFA member can earn in the Nebraska FFA Association. Carter and Aiden will receive their gold charm pin at the State FFA Convention in late March!

2.  The Century Club will be sponsoring a Share the Love Penny War, next week, February 13-16th.  Students are asked to bring their loose change to their classrooms.  The grade level that raises the most money per student will decide how to donate the money to help others. 

3. Students planning to take Driver’s Ed this year are reminded that the deadline to turn in your application and payment is quickly approaching.  You have until Thursday, February 16, to get the paperwork turned in.

4.  Just a reminder that we will be celebrating a Hall Walk tomorrow morning after the announcements!