
Good luck to Aiden Wurdinger and Carter Werner as they travel to Stuart today to present their FFA State Degree Interviews!!  We’re sure that they will do GREAT!!

1. There will be a meeting in Mr. Klein's room today for all boys in grades 9 through 12 interested in playing golf this Spring.  The meeting will be held at 3:40.  If you will be unable to attend the meeting but are still interested in golf, please let Mr. Klein know asap.

2. Congratulations to this year's prom servers:  Jay Halsey, Isaac Eckert, Isaiah Eckert, Trevis Halsey, Mason Nitz, Lily Hagemann, Karlee Broberg, Lily Hartl, JJ Black, and Marissa Bennett. Servers, please see Mrs. Prater this week for information. 

3.  There will be an elementary Century Club meeting after school today.

4. Students planning to take Driver’s Ed this year are reminded that the deadline to turn in your application and payment is quickly approaching.  You have until Thursday, February 16, to get the paperwork turned in.