
Just a reminder to students that NO breakfast or lunch food should be taken out of the cafeteria.  All food must be consumed in the Commons area.  Thank you!!

1.  Next week we will start celebrating Homecoming 2022!!  The dress up days have been posted throughout the school so let the competition begin.  Just a reminder that Homecoming spirit dress up day costumes should be school appropriate or students will be asked to change.

2. The Band Parents will be hosting a Burger Bash Fundraiser on Friday at the Football game from 6:15-8. Come have a burger and support the Band Students : ) 

3.  The elementary dancers will be performing during halftime of the football game this Friday night!!

4.  It’s school picture day!!  

5.  The EV marching band will be performing at the Nebraska State Fair on Saturday, August 27, at 11:00.

6.  Blessings in a Backpack forms are due back to the school by the end of August.  If you need a form, please contact the school.