
Just a reminder that Spring Break begins tomorrow!!  There will be no school on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week - March 10, 11 and 12.  Today is the last day of the 3rd quarter as well.

1. Good luck to the speech team members as they compete at District Speech in Atkinson today. 

2.  JH students planning on going out for track are reminded that they need to turn in the track information and shirt order forms to one of the JH Coaches. If another form is needed, please see Mr. Qualset. Forms must be returned by Monday, March 15.

3.   Spring Picture Day is scheduled for next Tuesday, March 16.  Students who had signed up for Spring Pictures are still on the list.  If you would like to be added to the Spring Picture Day list, please contact the office asap.

4.  Any server, junior or senior who is bringing an out of town date, or a sophomore or freshman from EV, needs to pay $25 by Friday, March 19.  This covers the meal and t-shirt...checks should be made payable to EVS.